Selling a 1958 Abarth Double Bubble


1958 Abarth Double Bubble
1958 Abarth Double Bubble

The Abarth Double Bubble, also known as the Fiat Abarth 750 Zagato, made its debut at the Turin Motor Show of 1955. Shortly after this debut, the Abarth Double Bubble would make waves as it entered the racing world in 1956. A partnership between Fiat, Abarth and Zagato, the Double Bubble would quickly establish itself as a leader in the racing circuit with a sweep of the podium in the 750cc class at the 1957 Mille Miglia. The car would also be quite successful in the American circuit as well. Characterized by the distinctive roof humps made to enhance headroom and by the double humps on the rear, the 1958 Abarth Double Bubble was quickly dubbed the perfect “drive to the track, race and drive home” car. Not much has changed in the eyes of enthusiasts and classic car collectors today. The Abarth Double Bubble continues to be sought-after thanks to its performance and style. The fact that this unique classic is still usable on today’s roads makes the idea of owning a Double Bubble that much more appealing. If you’re thinking about selling your 1958 Abarth Double Bubble, you can rest assured knowing there is a market of buyers out there waiting on the opportunity to purchase an Abarth of any condition.


1958 Abarth Double Bubble Seller’s Guide

The Alex Manos team understands that making the decision to sell can be difficult for many classic car owners. Perhaps this was your father’s first sports car or you recently inherited the classic from your family estate. Maybe you’ve restored your Double Bubble from top to bottom or spent the weekends fiddling with the engine while spending time with your son. These decisions are not easy, but they are made easier by partnering with a team of classic car professionals like those within the Alex Manos team who can provide you with the valuable Seller’s Tips you need to be successful. One of the most important Seller’s Tips that they recommend to classic Abarth owners is to ensure that you have any and all documentation ready to present to potential buyers. Interesting racing history, ownership records, maintenance and service records, and any restoration receipts can help give potential buyers confidence in your particular example. Similarly, you’ll want to be prepared with engine and chassis numbers to help confirm that your 1958 Abarth Double Bubble is indeed an original.



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For more information or to discuss the sale of your 1958 Abarth Double Bubble with the Alex Manos team, please do not hesitate to contact them at your leisure. They would be delighted to learn more about your classic and may even make you a top dollar offer you can’t refuse. Connect today to learn more!


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