1958 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton Seller’s Guide


220SE Ponton
1958 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton

The 1958 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton was presented in September and entered into production shortly after that. These very collectible cabriolets and coupes are often referred to as “Ponton” cars, which came from the front suspension sub-frame design. In fact, when they first came out, a German journalist likened them to a pontoon or bridge spanning the engine bay. Auto enthusiasts of the time also praised the 1958 Mercedes Ponton for its adventurous styling and myriad of options available to buyers, including fitted luggage, two-tone paint, a front seat bench, and whitewall tires to name just a few. It is unclear how many Ponton models exist today, which makes these even more collectible. Interestingly, only 830 Ponton Coupes were produced, while only 1,112 Cabriolets were made. In total, 1,942 units existed. If you are one of the lucky owners of a 1958 Mercedes Ponton, and are thinking about selling, the Los Angeles classic car dealer representatives at Alex Manos would like to speak with you.


Selling a 1958 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton

Because of the rare nature of parts and materials for the 1959 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton, buyers are looking for the most complete units they can find. If you are looking to sell a Mercedes 220SE, one of the biggest Seller’s Tips the team at Alex Manos can offer is to ensure that you have as much information on your particular auto as possible. Even that spare box of parts you have sitting in the corner of the garage is important. Furthermore, chrome pieces are extremely difficult to get, and very costly. If you have a model with all the original chrome intact, this can increase value. Of course, as with all classic cars, you’ll want to show your buyers that the engine and chassis number match and that the VIN reflects the correct model and year your are selling. For more information on Seller’s Tips, the team at Alex Manos would be happy to speak with you.



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Alex and his team of European classic car enthusiasts are always on the look out to purchase cars of all makes, models and conditions, including the 1959 Mercedes Benz 220SE Ponton. Contact them today at 877-912-0007 to discuss your particular model and to be one step closer to finding a new home for your classic Mercedes. Connect today!


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